

呷一口香濃的茶, 翻一下書櫃上的手工書

縱使家中空間不足, 材料、工具都放得零碎散亂



5 則留言:

  1. What adorable photos! I have no idea what the post is saying, but the little tatted motif is pretty and I love the "White Rabbit" from Alice in Wonderland! :)

  2. I am so sorry that I couldn't write my entry in English.
    Maybe I will try to do it very soon.
    Please don't mind my awful English.>_<

    I love Alice in Wonderland very much.
    It is my favourite story.
    All the characters are interesting.
    I hope I can make it better.
    Now, I am making a coaster. I hope I can finish it as soon as possible.

  3. You have fabulous English! What on earth are you talking about..."please don't mind my awful English." Don't be silly! Your English is so goood I was absolutely shocked to see that this was your blog (I hopped over to see who Sandra was from your comment on mine), LOL! I love your blog even tho' I can't understand the written characters, LOL! :)

  4. I will try to make more comment in your blog.
    Because I want to show you my feelings after I reading your post.

    I was touched by your reply.
    You cheeer me up to overcome the frustration that I had met in tatting.

    I will try to do anything better for you and me and the one who is waiting for my hand made present. LOL!

  5. AHH... I forget to tell u that,
    I am trying to write my blog in two languages.
    It maybe have a bit different meaning between the Chinese and English.
    But...please enjoy it!
    I really want you to know more condition about me like yours.
